10 Challenges Faced by Remote Developers – How to Solve Them

In 2020, most businesses have been forced to switch to remote working. However, working from home is not new in the coding and software development industry. For years, employers have been hiring developers from all over the world- that’s where the concept of offshore developers came from. 


Remote working is incredible – you have flexible working hours and can avoid distractions and office drama. But just as it is with all good things, there are some downsides to remote working. 


Are you looking for ways to solve the challenges of remote working? Here at Cloud Employee, we work with companies looking to hire professional offshore developers in the Philippines. In this article, we’ll share ten challenges of remote developers and their solutions.


10 Challenges Faced by Remote Developers 


1. Time Management 

Time management can be difficult for any worker. You're probably familiar with the struggle of sticking to a schedule or following a to-do list. When you work from home, it's almost a hundred times harder to manage your time correctly. Somehow, the flexible hours and free-form days create the illusion that you have plenty of time to finish your tasks for the day. Before you know it, it's evening, and the most crucial task on your to-do list is still untouched. 


How to manage your time and prioritize the most important work:

When you begin work each day, start by tackling the most critical task for the day. Often this is also the most challenging task. Most people are tempted to start the day on a light note- with the easiest tasks first- hoping to build up momentum as the day progresses. Unfortunately, it rarely works that way. The key to getting a difficult job done is to tackle it before anything else. 


2. Overworking 

There’s an erroneous belief that employees who work from home are bound to neglect their duties because there’s no one to supervise their work physically. Recently, the global shift towards remote working has prompted a lot of research in this area. And all the reports are saying the same thing – remote workers are more productive than on-site workers. 


While this is remarkable, it also means that remote workers have a higher tendency to overwork themselves. The problem stems from the fact work, and home is under the same roof, and there are no clear lines between the two. For remote developers, work never seems to end; there's always one little thing to do to make your code perfect. And then it turns into a night-long venture. 


How to avoid overworking:

To avoid overworking as a remote developer, you should create a routine and stick to it. Set precise times for starting and ending work every day. There are a few practical things that you can do: 

  • Set appointments to get out of your home office at the end of the day. For instance, you can arrange to meet a friend or go to the gym. 


  • If you can, create a dedicated workspace so that work ends once you get out of that space. If you don't have dedicated space for work, place your laptop out of sight so that you're not tempted to continue working. 


3. Interruptions

One of the good things about working from home is that you're rid of interruptions from co-workers. On the other hand, working from home comes with other forms of interruptions – kids, unexpected visits, or pets demanding your attention. Short of throwing everyone out of the house, it's impossible to avoid every kind of disturbance or distraction. But there some things you can do to minimize distractions. 


How to minimize interruptions while working from home 

  • Come up with a sign that lets everyone know that you cannot be interrupted at a particular time. You could put a "do not disturb" notice on your door, or perhaps lock the door so that no one can come in. 
  • Have consistent working hours. With time, your family will learn to adjust to your working times and will know when to let you be. 


4. Communication Issues

Communication is crucial for remote teams; it’s the lifeline that keeps everyone going. But it’s also a big challenge for developers. First of all, it’s not always easy to remember to communicate frequently with your team. Secondly, communicating without visual aids may cause misunderstandings. 

The communication issue gets worse when some of your teammates work in an office. You'll miss all the conversations by the water cooler, informal meetings, and inside jokes. You might feel left out or excluded. 


How to solve communication issues and stay in the loop

The solution is to intentionally create a habit of communicating frequently. Communicate with both your supervisors and colleagues. Whether your whole team is remote or you're the only remote worker, it's essential to keep the communication lines active. 


5. Access to support

When you work in an office, you have easy access to a professional developer who can review your work and offer immediate guidance on areas to improve. Worst case scenario, you’ll get feedback the next day. Remote workers sadly don't have this privilege. You might feel confused or abandoned to your fate.


How to gain more access to support:

  • If there's a senior developer on your team, take the initiative to establish a rapport with them, and maintain constant communication. This way, you have someone to answer your questions and guide you. 


  • If you don't have an in-house senior developer, you can join an online tech support community. You're likely to find someone who can offer the support you need. Of course, you need to be careful not to breach your company's confidentiality agreement. 


6. Conducive space for working 

One of the common challenges of remote working is finding a perfect space to work. Your workspace has a direct bearing on your productivity levels as a developer. For instance, if your office table is in your bedroom or in the living room where the TV is, you'll definitely not be as productive as you can be. 


How to create a conducive space for working

Ideally, you should find a room that is wholly designated for work and free from distractions. If this isn't possible, you might want to consider going out to a library or a quiet coffee shop. 


7. Lack of human interaction

Remote developers often suffer from “cabin fever” because they stay in one place for a long time all by themselves. Maybe this is because most software developers happen to be introverts? When you work in an office, you’re bound to have some casual conversations with your co-workers, or perhaps go out together for an office lunch. Remote working can make you lonely and isolated. 


How to avoid feeling lonely

Be intentional about having a social life. Try as much as possible to schedule lunch or dinner dates with your friends. You can also join a local group or take classes in something that interests you. 


8. Technology hiccups 

Everything that a remote developer does is dependent on technology. Laptops, mobile devices, software, high-speed internet - all of these things are essential. Unfortunately, machines break down, and the internet connection isn't always so stable. Such problems can affect the work of a remote developer. 


How to solve this challenge:

The key is to have backups so that technology failures do not affect your work. You can have a backup laptop or tablet and invest in a portable Mi-fi or mobile hotspot. 


9. Time zone differences 

For teams that have members across the globe, time zones can present a real challenge. Some people may be sleeping while others are working. This makes it hard to have team meetings or to get answers to any important question. 


How to solve this challenge: 

Even though remote work is characterized by flexibility, you should set aside a few hours a day when every team member is awake and online. Some people may have to compromise if the four hour intersection period falls outside of standard working hours. 


10. Bad health habits 

Working from home may the death of all your healthy living goals. With the refrigerator so close to you, you might be tempted to grab a quick snack every few hours. Or you may have the opposite problem where you’re so engrossed in your work that you forget to eat. Also, you might find yourself lagging behind with exercise because you spend your days sitting in one chair. 


How to avoid bad habits while working from home:

  • If you forget to eat, you can set reminders on your phone to take a food break. 
  • L
  • If you indulge in unhealthy snacking, you can take a drastic step to clear out all junk food from your home. So if you’re tempted to snack, you’ll only have healthy options to choose from. 
  • Set reminders to go outside for a walk or have a plan to work out every morning before you start work. 


To Summarise

Remote working has several benefits for developers, including flexibility, higher productivity, and a good work-life balance. Despite these perks, there are also challenges. The good thing is, the challenges can all be solved. If you strive hard, you can have a highly fulfilling experience as a remote developer. 

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